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  • WE BELIEVE in one God who is infinite and eternal (Ps 90:2), omniscient (all-knowing) (Ps 139:1-12), omnipotent (all-powerful) (Isa 44:6) and omnipresent (everywhere at the same time) (Ps 139:7-10), who is the creator of all that exist (Ps 89:11), and who has been manifested and revealed in Jesus Christ (Jn 14:8-9) and still lives among us as the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16-17).


  • WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the final and fullest revelation of God and that he is both fully human and fully divine (Heb. 1:1-3).


  • WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was crucified (Mat 27:35-38), died (Mk 15:37), was buried (Lk 23:50-54) and rose again in three days (Lk 24:1-7).


  • WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners (I Tim. 1:15) and that having conquered death he now reigns as Lord of all (Rev. 11:15).


  • WE BELIEVE that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we shall be saved (Romans 10:9).


  • WE BELIEVE that Jesus died for our sins (I Cor. 15:3) because he loves us and because each of us is important in the eyes and heart of God (Jn. 15:13).

  • WE BELIEVE that anyone can become a new person in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:17)


  • WE BELIEVE that once we confess Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit becomes a permanent presence in our lives (Jn. 14:16-17).


  • WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit fills us (Eph. 5:18) anoints us (Lk. 4:18) empowers us (Acts 1:8) produces good fruit in us (Gal 5:22) and bestows gifts upon us (I Cor. 12:4-6) to equip the saints for ministry, to edify the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12) and set the captives free (Lk. 4:18).


  • WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired word of God written by fallible human beings who were under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and that it contains all things necessary for salvation (2 Tim. 3:16-17).


  • WE BELIEVE in one Church, established by Jesus Christ, and called by many names and manifested in many traditions (Eph. 4:4-6).


  • WE BELIEVE that the Church is empowered and called to witness to all people and to introduce them to Jesus Christ, who saves us (Acts 1:8).


  • WE BELIEVE that the Church is place where the praise and worship of God is expressed and encouraged (Ps 100:4) (Ps 96:8), prayer is practiced (Isa 56:7) and the Word of God is taught and proclaimed (Eph 4:11)


  • WE BELIEVE that scripture mandates that we tithe, which means giving 10 percent of our gross income to the church for the work of ministry. Tithing is an expression of worship and thanksgiving. Failure to tithe is disobedience to the word of God (Mal 3:8-9). Faithfulness in tithing brings about God’s blessings (Mal 3:10).


  1. WE BELIEVE that baptism is a sacrament (ritual/practice) instituted by Jesus Christ (Mt 28:19-20) as an outward symbol of God’s inner work of salvation and a sign that identifies a person as a member of God’s family. We practice three modes of baptism; immersion, sprinkling and pouring. We affirm and practices the baptism of infants as they too are members of God's family (Mt 19:14).


  • WE BELIEVE that because Jesus was resurrected from the dead, we too, shall live eternally in a body that is immortal and incorruptible (2 Cor 5:1).


  • WE BELIEVE that according to God's Word and promise, Jesus is coming back in glory and that we shall live with him forever (1 Thes 4:13-18).


  • WE BELIEVE that until the time of Christ's return or our departure, God wants us to grow until we reach full maturity as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).


*As an African Methodist Episcopal Church, we also affirm the following:  The Mission and Vision of the AME Church
                   The Beliefs
of the AME Church

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Wayman AME Church (c) 2015 - Church Address: 9940 Liberty Road Frederick, MD 21701  - Website:


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