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The Wayman AME Board of Trustees is appointed by the congregation to manage all of the terrestrial issues of the church, such as maintaining the local church property, buildings and facilities, tracking the church’s equipment, and ensuring all insurance policies up to date.  Trustees are nominated by the Pastor and selected by a vote of the church membership.


Matthew 25:14 – For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.


Trustee Board Members


Pro-tem:  Bro. John Thomas


Sis. Tonya Offord             Sis. Vixen Whisner           

Bro. Elsworth Bowie       Sis. Martha Boyd           

Bro. Wilson Manuel             


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Wayman AME Church (c) 2015 - Church Address: 9940 Liberty Road Frederick, MD 21701  - Website:


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